Human Resources

ATTENTION: We are always looking to add to our certified AND classified substitute teacher list! Feel free to complete an application and send in!!


  • There is a minimum of 64 college credit hours required as well as a background check (provided by the district) for certified substitutes.

  • There is a minimum of a HS diploma or GED required as well as a background check (provided by the district) for classified substitutes.

Classified Position Vacancies:  

  • None at this time

Certified Position Vacancies: 

  • MSD Teacher - Full Time

  • Art Teacher - Part Time with benefits

    To ALL certified candidates you must have the following information on file before ANY  interviews can be scheduled at Southgate Public School:

A copy of your statement of eligibility for teaching issued by the Kentucky Department of Education or a copy of your Kentucky Teaching Certificate

  • A copy of your resume

  • A copy of your National Teacher’s Exam (Praxis) scores

  • A copy of your transcripts from your university

  • A copy of three letters of reference

  • A completed application

Send ALL application materials to Shannon Hansman and Greg Duty